Vegan MoFo day 31: Home sweet home

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It would seem that all good things must come to an end. Today is the last day of Vegan MoFo, and while I’m sad to see the end of so many great posts from around the world every day, I’m also looking forward to relaxing for the next few nights. I must have communicated my need for relaxation to Chadwiko with some enthusiasm, because I came home today to find him giving the kitchen a much needed deep-clean, so that I wouldn’t have to do it myself tomorrow. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the end of MoFo!

I had intended to finish off our street food world tour with a stop in Venezuela for arepas, but it wasn’t to be, as the masarepa flour that I’d ordered online still hasn’t turned up. I was a little disappointed and wasn’t sure what to do- enter Chadwiko to save the day, with the suggestion that where better to end our tour than home? There was only one street food that I could make.

Our hometown, Adelaide, is well-known for one laughable, and honestly fairly nauseating street food- the pie floater. A pie floater is a meat pie in a bowl of thick pea soup, smothered in tomato sauce (ketchup for the Americans). And no, it’s not intended to be eaten while sober. Although Anthony Bourdain loves them (or so says Wikipedia), the thought of eating one was never something that I’d seriously entertained. Until now.

Pie floater

For the pies, I used the recipe for rustic tempeh and spinach pie from 500 Vegan Recipes, and made three mini pies instead of one full-sized one. It’s an interesting recipe, with orange juice and zest in the filling. The recipe also originally called for orange marmalade, but I chose to omit it- a good choice for my tastes, as any more orange would have been overpowering. I also cheated and used store-bought puff pastry because it’s a Monday night and I’m tired, okay? The verdict? Good pie! I’d like to make these a bit smaller next time, as the pastry is the best bit and pastry-to-filling ratios are very serious business.

The pea soup was an accidentally vegan recipe I came across online- essentially just peas, potato and spinach cooked and blended together. I can’t vouch for whether or not this was good because I hate peas with a burning passion and it was always going to taste awful to me. But despite the sludge-like appearance, Chadwiko seemed to enjoy it.

So we’ve been around the world, and ended up at home. It’s been a great month, and my thanks go out to everyone on Team MoFo, as well as everyone who’s stopped by here to say hi or just to look around. That’s it from me for now, see you in a few days- after I’ve enjoyed a nice dinner cooked outside of my kitchen, and by someone other than me. What luxury!

6 Comment(s)

  1. I think home is a great place to end your street food tour. Your pie in pea soup looks awesome, I love puff pastry pies of any kind & yours looks especially awesome.

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    Jojo | Nov 1, 2011 | Reply

  2. What a great theme you had Erin, I’m glad your last stop was back home.

    GD Star Rating

    Maggie Muggins | Nov 2, 2011 | Reply

  3. I’ve never heard of pie floaters but what a great idea! This could be done on so many levels. I’m thinking an apple pie floater on vanilla/cinnamon cream for DH’s birthday tonight would be just the thing!

    GD Star Rating

    Julia | Nov 2, 2011 | Reply

  4. Julia, that sounds awesome!

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    Erinwiko | Nov 2, 2011 | Reply

  5. I want a pie floating in pea soup! brilliant! Your little pie is so beautiful. also, Last year when I went around the world for MoFo, I ended up at home too. It’s the best place to end!

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    amey | Nov 2, 2011 | Reply

  6. Phew, what a month! Just quietly, your street food series has been my favourite thing about Mofo this year.

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    Cindy | Nov 3, 2011 | Reply

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  1. Nov 1, 2011: from Spooky, spooky Halloween Round-Up | VeganMoFo

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